================ Help and support ================ Mailing List ============ There is a mailing list for this project: swupdate@googlegroups.com Issue related to the project or to the documentation are discussed here. SWUpdate Flyer ============== A short description about the project and the features (in English and German) can be found in the `flyer `_ Workshop and SWUpdate integration in project ============================================ For quick integration of SWUpdate in your project, you could be interested in the `Workshop `_ Talks about SWUpdate ==================== - `Software Update in Embedded Systems by Stefano Babic `_ - `Updating Embedded Linux devices in field by Chris Simmonds `_ - `OpenEmbedded in the Real World by Scott Murray `_ - `[RFC] Device-side support for software update in AGL by Matt Porter `_ - `Open Source secure software updates for Linux-based IVI systems by Arthur Taylor `_ - `How do you update your embedded Linux devices? by Daniel Sangorrin / Keijiro Yano `_ - `Comparison of Linux Software Update Technologies by Matt Porter `_ - Software update for IoT: the current state of play by Chris Simmonds, ELCE 2016, `Slides `_, `Video `_ - OSS Remote Firmware Updates for IoT-like Projects by Silvano Cirujano Cuesta, ELCE 2016, `Slides `_, `Video `_ - System Upgrade with SWUpdate by Gabriel Huau, ELC 2017, `Slides `_, `Video `_ - `BoF: Secure OTA Collaboration, by Ricardo Salveti and Alan Bennett, ELCE 2017 `_ - Orchestrated Android-Style System Upgrades for Embedded Linux by Diego Rondini, ELCE 2017, `Slides `_, `Video `_ - Updating an Embedded System with SWUpdate Framework by Stefano Babic, ELCE 2017, `Slides `_, `Video `_ Useful references ================= - `Boundary Devices, Using SWUpdate to upgrade your system `_ - `Présentation de Software Update (French) `_ - `Easy OS upgrades with SWUpdate `_ - `SWUpdate for feature-rich IoT applications `_ - `Implement swupdate - replacing opkg based updating, VictronEnergy `_ - `Variscite, SWUpdate `_ - `Updating Embedded Linux Devices: SWUpdate `_ - `SOTA System `_