================================================= SWUpdate: syntax and tags with the default parser ================================================= Introduction ------------ SWUpdate uses the library "libconfig" as default parser for the image description. However, it is possible to extend SWUpdate and add an own parser, based on a different syntax and language as the one supported by libconfig. In the examples directory there is the code for a parser written in Lua, with the description in XML. Using the default parser, sw-description follows the syntax rules described in the libconfig manual. Please take a look at http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html for an explanation of basic types. The whole description must be contained in the sw-description file itself: using of the #include directive is not allowed by SWUpdate. The following example explains better the implemented tags: :: software = { version = "0.1.0"; description = "Firmware update for XXXXX Project"; hardware-compatibility: [ "1.0", "1.2", "1.3"]; /* partitions tag is used to resize UBI partitions */ partitions: ( /* UBI Volumes */ { name = "rootfs"; device = "mtd4"; size = 104896512; /* in bytes */ }, { name = "data"; device = "mtd5"; size = 50448384; /* in bytes */ } ); images: ( { filename = "rootfs.ubifs"; volume = "rootfs"; }, { filename = "swupdate.ext3.gz.u-boot"; volume = "fs_recovery"; }, { filename = "sdcard.ext3.gz"; device = "/dev/mmcblk0p1"; compressed = true; }, { filename = "bootlogo.bmp"; volume = "splash"; }, { filename = "uImage.bin"; volume = "kernel"; }, { filename = "fpga.txt"; type = "fpga"; } ); files: ( { filename = "README"; path = "/README"; device = "/dev/mmcblk0p1"; filesystem = "vfat" } ); scripts: ( { filename = "erase_at_end"; type = "lua"; }, { filename = "display_info"; type = "lua"; } ); bootenv: ( { filename = "bootloader-env"; type = "bootloader"; }, { name = "vram"; value = "4M"; }, { name = "addfb"; value = "setenv bootargs ${bootargs} omapfb.vram=1:2M,2:2M,3:2M omapdss.def_disp=lcd" } ); } The first tag is "software". The whole description is contained in this tag. It is possible to group settings per device by using `Board specific settings`_. Handling configuration differences ---------------------------------- The concept can be extended to deliver a single image containing the release for multiple devices. Each device has its own kernel, dtb and root filesystem, or they can share some parts. Currently this is managed (and already used in a real project) by writing an own parser, that checks which images must be installed after recognizing which is the device where software is running. Because the external parser can be written in Lua and it is completely customizable, everybody can set his own rules. For this specific example, the sw-description is written in XML format, with tags identifying the images for each device. To run it, the liblxp library is needed. :: Update Image 1.0.0 Firmware for XXXXX Project The parser for this is in the /examples directory. By identifying which is the running device, the parser return a table containing the images that must be installed and their associated handlers. By reading the delivered image, SWUpdate will ignore all images that are not in the list processed by the parser. In this way, it is possible to have a single delivered image for the update of multiple devices. Multiple devices are supported by the default parser, too. :: software = { version = "0.1.0"; target-1 = { images: ( { ... } ); }; target-2 = { images: ( { ... } ); }; } In this way, it is possible to have a single image providing software for each device you have. By default the hardware information is extracted from `/etc/hwrevision` file. The file should contain a single line in the following format:: Where: - `` will be used for matching with hardware compatibility list - `` can be used for grouping board specific settings .. _collections: Software collections -------------------- Software collections and operation modes can be used to implement a dual copy strategy. The simplest case is to define two installation locations for the firmware image and call `SWUpdate` selecting the appropriate image. :: software = { version = "0.1.0"; stable = { copy-1: { images: ( { device = "/dev/mtd4" ... } ); } copy-2: { images: ( { device = "/dev/mtd5" ... } ); } }; } In this way it is possible to specify that `copy-1` gets installed to `/dev/mtd4`, while `copy-2` to `/dev/mtd5`. By properly selecting the installation locations, `SWUpdate` will update the firmware in the other slot. The method of image selection is out of the scope of SWUpdate and user is responsible for calling `SWUpdate` passing proper settings. Priority finding the elements in the file ----------------------------------------- SWUpdate search for entries in the sdw-description file according to the following priority: 1. Try ... 2. Try .. 3. Try . 4. Try Take an example. The following sw-description describes the release for a set of boards. :: software = { version = "0.1.0"; myboard = { stable = { copy-1: { images: ( { device = "/dev/mtd4" ... } ); } copy-2: { images: ( { device = "/dev/mtd5" ... } ); } } } stable = { copy-1: { images: ( { device = "/dev/mtd6" ... } ); } copy-2: { images: ( { device = "/dev/mtd7" ... } ); } } } On *myboard*, SWUpdate searches and find myboard.stable.copy1(2). When running on different boards, SWUpdate does not find an enty corresponding to the boardname and it fallbacks to the version without boardname. This lets relalize the same release for different boards having a complete different hardware. `myboard` could have a eMMC and an ext4 filesystem, while another device can have raw flash and install an UBI filesystem. Nevertheless, they are both just a different format of the same release and they could be described together in sw-description. It is important to understand the priorities how SWUpdate scans for entries during the parsing. Using links ----------- sw-description can become very complex. Let's think to have just one board, but in multiple hw revision and they differ in Hardware. Some of them can be grouped together, some of them require a dedicated section. A way (but not the only one !) could be to add *mode* and selects the section with `-e stable,`. :: software = { version = "0.1.0"; myboard = { stable = { hardware-compatibility: ["1.0", "1.2", "2.0", "1.§, "3.0", "3.1"]; rev-1.0: { images: ( ... ); scripts: ( ... ); } rev-1.2: { hardware-compatibility: ["1.2"]; images: ( ... ); scripts: ( ... ); } rev-2.0: { hardware-compatibility: ["2.0"]; images: ( ... ); scripts: ( ... ); } rev-1.3: { hardware-compatibility: ["1.3"]; images: ( ... ); scripts: ( ... ); } rev-3.0: { hardware-compatibility: ["3.0"]; images: ( ... ); scripts: ( ... ); } rev-3.1: { hardware-compatibility: ["3.1"]; images: ( ... ); scripts: ( ... ); } } } } If each of them requires an own section, it is the way to do. Anyway, it is more probable than revisions can be grouped together, for example board with the same major revision number could have the same installation instructions. This leads in the example to 3 groups for rev1.X, rev2.X and rev3.X. Links allow to group section together. When a "ref" is found when SWUpdate searches for a group (images, files, script, bootenv), it replaces the current path in the tree with the value of the string. In this way, the example above can be written in this way: :: software = { version = "0.1.0"; myboard = { stable = { hardware-compatibility: ["1.0", "1.2", "2.0", "1.3, "3.0", "3.1"]; rev-1x: { images: ( ... ); scripts: ( ... ); } rev1.0 = { ref = "#./rev-1x"; } rev1.2 = { ref = "#./rev-1x"; } rev1.3 = { ref = "#./rev-1x"; } rev-2x: { images: ( ... ); scripts: ( ... ); } rev2.0 = { ref = "#./rev-2x"; } rev-3x: { images: ( ... ); scripts: ( ... ); } rev3.0 = { ref = "#./rev-3x"; } rev3.1 = { ref = "#./rev-3x"; } } } } The link can be absolute or relative. The keyword *"ref"* is used to indicate a link. If this is found, SWUpdate will traverse the tree and replaces the current path with the values find in the string pointed by "ref". There are simple rules for a link: - it must start with the character '#' - "." points to the current level in the tree, that means the parent of "ref" - ".." points to the parent level in the tree - "/" is used as filed separator in the link A relative path has a number of leading "../" to move the current cursor to the parent leaf of the tree. In the following example, rev40 sets a link to a "common" section, where `images` is found. This is sets via a link, too, to a section in the parent node. The path `software.myboard.stable.common.images` is then replaced by `software.myboard.stable.trythis` :: software = { version = { ref = "#./commonversion"; } hardware-compatibility = ["rev10", "rev11", "rev20"]; commonversion = "0.7-linked"; pc:{ stable:{ common:{ images = { ref = "#./../trythis"; } }; trythis:( { filename = "rootfs1.ext4"; device = "/dev/mmcblk0p8"; type = "raw"; } , { filename = "rootfs5.ext4"; device = "/dev/mmcblk0p7"; type = "raw"; } ); pdm3rev10: { images:( { filename = "rootfs.ext3"; device = "/dev/mmcblk0p2";} ); uboot:( { name = "bootpart"; value = "0:2";} ); }; pdm3rev11 = { ref = "#./pdm3rev10"; } pdm3rev20 = { ref = "#./pdm3rev10"; } pdm3rev40 = { ref = "#./common"; } }; }; } Each entry in sw-description can be redirect by a link as in the above example for the "version" attribute. hardware-compatibility ---------------------- hardware-compatibility: [ "major.minor", "major.minor", ... ] It lists the hardware revisions that are compatible with this software image. Example: hardware-compatibility: [ "1.0", "1.2", "1.3"]; This means that the software is compatible with HW-Revisions 1.0, 1.2 and 1.3, but not for 1.1 or other version not explicitly listed here. It is then duty of the single project to find which is the revision of the board where SWUpdate is running. There is no assumption how the revision can be obtained (GPIOs, EEPROM,..) and each project is free to select the way most appropriate. The result must be written in the file /etc/hwrevision (or in another file if specified as configuration option) before SWUpdate is started. partitions : UBI layout ----------------------- This tag allows to change the layout of UBI volumes. Please take care that MTDs are not touched and they are configured by the Device Tree or in another way directly in kernel. :: partitions: ( { name = ; size = ; device = ; }, ); All fields are mandatory. SWUpdate searches for a volume of the selected name and adjusts the size, or creates a new volume if no volume with the given name exists. In the latter case, it is created on the UBI device attached to the MTD device given by "device". "device" can be given by number (e.g. "mtd4") or by name (the name of the MTD device, e.g. "ubi_partition"). The UBI device is attached automatically. images ------ The tag "images" collects the image that are installed to the system. The syntax is: :: images: ( { filename[mandatory] = ; volume[optional] = ; device[optional] = ; mtdname[optional] = ; type[optional] = ; /* optionally, the image can be copied at a specific offset */ offset[optional] = ; /* optionally, the image can be compressed if it is in raw mode */ compressed; }, /* Next Image */ ..... ); *volume* is only used to install the image in a UBI volume. *volume* and *device* cannot be used at the same time. If device is set, the raw handler is automatically selected. The following example is to update a UBI volume: :: { filename = "core-image-base.ubifs"; volume = "rootfs"; } To update an image in raw mode, the syntax is: :: { filename = "core-image-base.ext3"; device = "/dev/mmcblk0p1"; } To flash an image at a specific offset, the syntax is: :: { filename = "u-boot.bin"; device = "/dev/mmcblk0p1"; offset = "16K"; } The offset handles the following multiplicative suffixes: K=1024 and M=1024*1024. However, writing to flash in raw mode must be managed in a special way. Flashes must be erased before copying, and writing into NAND must take care of bad blocks and ECC errors. For this reasons, the handler "flash" must be selected: For example, to copy the kernel into the MTD7 of a NAND flash: :: { filename = "uImage"; device = "mtd7"; type = "flash"; } The *filename* is mandatory. It is the Name of the file extracted by the stream. *volume* is only mandatory in case of UBI volumes. It should be not used in other cases. Alternatively, for the handler “flash”, the *mtdname* can be specified, instead of the device name: :: { filename = "uImage"; mtdname = "kernel"; type = "flash"; } Files ----- It is possible to copy single files instead of images. This is not the preferred way, but it can be used for debugging or special purposes. :: files: ( { filename = ; path = ; device[optional] = ; filesystem[optional] = ; properties[optional] = {create-destination = "true";} } ); Entries in "files" section are managed as single files. The attributes "filename" and "path" are mandatory. Attributes "device" and "filesystem" are optional; they tell SWUpdate to mount device (of the given filesystem type, e.g. "ext4") before copying "filename" to "path". Without "device" and "filesystem", the "filename" will be copied to "path" in the current rootfs. As a general rule, swupdate doesn't copy out a file if the destination path doesn't exists. This behavior could be changed using the special property "create-destination". Scripts ------- Scripts runs in the order they are put into the sw-description file. The result of a script is valuated by SWUpdate, that stops the update with an error if the result is <> 0. They are copied into a temporary directory before execution and their name must be unique inside the same cpio archive. If no type is given, SWUpdate default to "lua". Lua ... :: scripts: ( { filename = ; type = "lua"; }, ); Lua scripts are run using the internal interpreter. They must have at least one of the following functions: :: function preinst() SWUpdate scans for all scripts and check for a preinst function. It is called before installing the images. :: function postinst() SWUpdate scans for all scripts and check for a postinst function. It is called after installing the images. shellscript ........... :: scripts: ( { filename = ; type = "shellscript"; }, ); Shell scripts are called via system command. SWUpdate scans for all scripts and calls them before and after installing the images. SWUpdate passes 'preinst' or 'postinst' as first argument to the script. If the data attribute is defined, its value is passed as the last argument(s) to the script. preinstall .......... :: scripts: ( { filename = ; type = "preinstall"; }, ); preinstall are shell scripts and called via system command. SWUpdate scans for all scripts and calls them before installing the images. If the data attribute is defined, its value is passed as the last argument(s) to the script. postinstall ........... :: scripts: ( { filename = ; type = "postinstall"; }, ); postinstall are shell scripts and called via system command. SWUpdate scans for all scripts and calls them after installing the images. If the data attribute is defined, its value is passed as the last argument(s) to the script. bootloader ---------- There are two ways to update the bootloader (currently U-Boot, GRUB, and EFI Boot Guard) environment. First way is to add a file with the list of variables to be changed and setting "bootloader" as type of the image. This informs SWUpdate to call the bootloader handler to manage the file (requires enabling bootloader handler in configuration). There is one bootloader handler for all supported bootloaders. The appropriate bootloader must be chosen from the bootloader selection menu in `menuconfig`. :: bootenv: ( { filename = "bootloader-env"; type = "bootloader"; }, ) The format of the file is described in U-boot documentation. Each line is in the format :: if value is missing, the variable is unset. In the current implementation, the above file format was inherited for GRUB and EFI Boot Guard environment modification as well. The second way is to define in a group setting the variables that must be changed: :: bootenv: ( { name = ; value = ; }, ) SWUpdate will internally generate a script that will be passed to the bootloader handler for adjusting the environment. For backward compatibility with previously built `.swu` images, the "uboot" group name is still supported as an alias. However, its usage is deprecated. Board specific settings ----------------------- Each setting can be placed under a custom tag matching the board name. This mechanism can be used to override particular setting in board specific fashion. Assuming that the hardware information file `/etc/hwrevision` contains the following entry:: my-board 0.1.0 and the following description:: software = { version = "0.1.0"; my-board = { bootenv: ( { name = "bootpart"; value = "0:2"; } ); }; bootenv: ( { name = "bootpart"; value = "0:1"; } ); } SWUpdate will set `bootpart` to `0:2` in bootloader's environment for this board. For all other boards, `bootpart` will be set to `0:1`. Board specific settings take precedence over default scoped settings. Software collections and operation modes ---------------------------------------- Software collections and operations modes extend the description file syntax to provide an overlay grouping all previous configuration tags. The mechanism is similar to `Board specific settings`_ and can be used for implementing a dual copy strategy or delivering both stable and unstable images within a single update file. The mechanism uses a custom user-defined tags placed within `software` scope. The tag names must not be any of: `version`, `hardware-compatibility`, `uboot`, `bootenv`, `files`, `scripts`, `partitions`, `images` An example description file: :: software = { version = "0.1"; hardware-compatibility = [ "revA" ]; /* differentiate running image modes/sets */ stable: { main: { images: ( { filename = "rootfs.ext3"; device = "/dev/mmcblk0p2"; } ); bootenv: ( { name = "bootpart"; value = "0:2"; } ); }; alt: { images: ( { filename = "rootfs.ext3"; device = "/dev/mmcblk0p1"; } ); bootenv: ( { name = "bootpart"; value = "0:1"; } ); }; }; } The configuration describes a single software collection named `stable`. Two distinct image locations are specified for this collection: `/dev/mmcblk0p1` and `/dev/mmcblk0p2` for `main` mode and `alt` mode respectively. This feature can be used to implement a dual copy strategy by specifying the collection and mode explicitly. Checking version of installed software -------------------------------------- SWUpdate can optionally verify if a sub-image is already installed and, if the version to be installed is exactly the same, it can skip to install it. This is very useful in case some high risky image should be installed or to speed up the upgrade process. One case is if the bootloader needs to be updated. In most time, there is no need to upgrade the bootloader, but practice showed that there are some cases where an upgrade is strictly required - the project manager should take the risk. However, it is nicer to have always the bootloader image as part of the .swu file, allowing to get the whole distro for the device in a single file, but the device should install it just when needed. SWUpdate searches for a file (/etc/sw-versions is the default location) containing all versions of the installed images. This must be generated before running SWUpdate. The file must contains pairs with the name of image and his version, as: :: Version is a string and can have any value. For example: :: bootloader 2015.01-rc3-00456-gd4978d kernel 3.17.0-00215-g2e876af In sw-description, the optional attributes "name", "version" and "install-if-different" provide the connection. Name and version are then compared with the data in the versions file. install-if-different is a boolean that enables the check for this image. It is then possible to check the version just for a subset of the images to be installed. Embedded Script --------------- It is possible to embed a script inside sw-description. This is useful in a lot of conditions where some parameters are known just by the target at runtime. The script is global to all sections, but it can contain several functions that can be specific for each entry in the sw-description file. These attributes are used for an embedded-script: :: embedded-script = " It must be taken into account that the parser has already run and usage of double quotes can interfere with the parser. For this reason, each double quote in the script must be escaped. That means a simple Lua code as: :: print ("Test") must be changed to: :: print (\"Test\") If not, the parser thinks to have the closure of the script and this generates an error. See the examples directory for examples how to use it. Any entry in files or images can trigger one function in the script. The "hook" attribute tells the parser to load the script and to search for the function pointed to by the hook attribute. For example: :: files: ( { filename = "examples.tar"; type = "archive"; path = "/tmp/test"; hook = "set_version"; preserve-attributes = true; } ); After the entry is parsed, the parser runs the Lua function pointed to by hook. If Lua is not activated, the parser raises an error because a sw-description with an embedded script must be parsed, but the interpreter is not available. Each Lua function receives as parameter a table with the setup for the current entry. A hook in Lua is in the format: :: function lua_hook(image) image is a table where the keys are the list of available attributes. If an attribute contains a "-", it is replaced with "_", because "-" cannot be used in Lua. This means, for example, that: :: install-if-different ==> install_if_different install-directly ==> install_directly Attributes can be changed in the Lua script and values are taken over on return. The Lua function must return 2 values: - a boolean, to indicate whether the parsing was correct - the image table or nil to indicate that the image should be skipped Example: :: function set_version(image) print (\"RECOVERY_STATUS.RUN: \".. swupdate.RECOVERY_STATUS.RUN) for k,l in pairs(image) do swupdate.trace(\"image[\" .. tostring(k) .. \"] = \" .. tostring(l)) end image.version = \"1.0\" image.install_if_different = true return true, image end The example sets a version for the installed image. Generally, this is detected at runtime reading from the target. .. _sw-description-attribute-reference: Attribute reference ------------------- There are 4 main sections inside sw-description: - images: entries are images and SWUpdate has no knowledge about them. - files: entries are files, and SWUpdate needs a filesystem for them. This is generally used to expand from a tar-ball or to update single files. - scripts: all entries are treated as executables, and they will be run twice (as pre- and post- install scripts). - bootenv: entries are pair with bootloader environment variable name and its value. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|L| .. table:: Attributes in sw-description +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Applies to | Description | +=============+==========+============+=======================================+ | filename | string | images | filename as found in the cpio archive| | | | files | | | | | scripts | | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | volume | string | images | Just if type = "ubivol". UBI volume | | | | | where image must be installed. | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | ubipartition| string | images | Just if type = "ubivol". Volume to be | | | | | created or adjusted with a new size | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | device | string | images | devicenode as found in /dev or a | | | | files | symlink to it. Can be specified as | | | | | absolute path or a name in /dev folder| | | | | For example if /dev/mtd-dtb is a link | | | | | to /dev/mtd3 "mtd3", "mtd-dtb", | | | | | "/dev/mtd3" and "/dev/mtd-dtb" are | | | | | valid names. | | | | | Usage depends on handler. | | | | | For files, it indicates on which | | | | | device the "filesystem" must be | | | | | mounted. If not specified, the current| | | | | rootfs will be used. | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | filesystem | string | files | indicates the filesystem type where | | | | | the file must be installed. Only | | | | | used if "device" attribute is set. | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | path | string | files | For files: indicates the path | | | | | (absolute) where the file must be | | | | | installed. If "device" and | | | | | "filesystem" are set, | | | | | SWUpdate will install the | | | | | file after mounting "device" with | | | | | "filesystem" type. (path is always | | | | | relative to the mount point.) | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | preserve-\ | bool | files | flag to control whether the following | | attributes | | | attributes will be preserved when | | | | | files are unpacked from an archive | | | | | (assuming destination filesystem | | | | | supports them, of course): | | | | | timestamp, uid/gid (numeric), perms, | | | | | file attributes, extended attributes | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | type | string | images | string identifier for the handler, | | | | files | as it is set by the handler when it | | | | scripts | regitsters itself. | | | | | Example: "ubivol", "raw", "rawfile", | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | compressed | bool | images | flag to indicate that "filename" is | | | | files | zlib-compressed and must be | | | | | decompressed before being installed | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | installed-\ | bool | images | flag to indicate that image is | | directly | | | streamed into the target without any | | | | | temporary copy. Not all handlers | | | | | support streaming. | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | name | string | bootenv | name of the bootloader variable to be | | | | | set. | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | value | string | bootenv | value to be assigned to the | | | | | bootloader variable | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | name | string | images | name that identifies the sw-component | | | | files | it can be any string and it is | | | | | compared with the entries in | | | | | sw-versions | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | version | string | images | version for the sw-component | | | | files | it can be any string and it is | | | | | compared with the entries in | | | | | sw-versions | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | description | string | | user-friendly description of the | | | | | swupdate archive (any string) | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | install-if\ | bool | images | flag | | -different | | files | if set, name and version are | | | | | compared with the entries in | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | encrypted | bool | images | flag | | | | files | if set, file is encrypted | | | | scripts | and must be decrypted before | | | | | installing. | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | data | string | images | This is used to pass arbitrary data | | | | files | to a handler. | | | | scripts | | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | sha256 | string | images | sha256 hash of image, file or script. | | | | files | Used for verification of signed | | | | scripts | images. | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | embedded-\ | string | | Lua code that is embedded in the | | script | | | sw-description file. | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | offset | string | images | Optional destination offset | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | hook | string | images | The name of the function (Lua) to be | | | | files | called when the entry is parsed. | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+ | mtdname | string | images | name of the MTD to update. Used only | | | | | by the flash handler to identify the | | | | | the mtd to update, instead of | | | | | specifying the devicenode | +-------------+----------+------------+---------------------------------------+