Language Bindings


In general, SWUpdate is agnostic to a particular language it is operated from, thanks to SWUpdate’s socket-based control and progress APIs for external programs. As long as the language of choice has proper socket (library) support, SWUpdate can be operated with it.

However, for convenience, a Lua language binding in terms of a shared library, currently, is provided.

Lua Language Binding

The Lua language binding is realized in terms of the swupdate module that defines three bindings, namely for the control interface, the progress interface, and a convenience function yielding a table holding all local network interfaces including their IP addresses and submasks.

Note that, depending on the filesystem location of the Lua binding’s shared library, Lua’s package.cpath may have to be adapted by setting the environment variable LUA_CPATH, modifying package.cpath prior to a require('lua_swupdate'), or , as last resort, using package.loadlib() instead of require('lua_swupdate').

Control Interface

The swupdate module’s control interface binding conveniently makes SWUpdate’s socket-based control API available to pure Lua.

The binding is captured in the swupdate_control object that is returned by a call to swupdate.control(). This object offers the three methods connect(), write(<chunkdata>), and close():

The connect() method initializes the connection to SWUpdate’s control socket, sends REQ_INSTALL, and waits for ACK or NACK, returning the socket connection file descriptor, mostly for information purposes, or, in case of an error, nil plus an error message.

The artifact’s data can then be sent to SWUpdate via the write(<chunkdata>) method, returning true, or, in case of errors, nil plus an error message.

Finally, the close() method closes the connection to SWUpdate’s control socket after which it waits for SWUpdate to complete the update transaction and executes the post-install command, if given.

The following example snippet illustrates how to use the control interface binding:

local artifact ="/some/path/to/artifact.swu", "rb" )
swupdate = require('lua_swupdate')
local ctrl = swupdate.control()
if not ctrl:connect() then
        -- Deliberately neglecting error message.
        io.stderr:write("Error connecting to SWUpdate control socket.\n")

while true do
        local chunk = artifact:read(1024)
        if not chunk then break end
        if not ctrl:write(chunk) then
                -- Deliberately neglecting error message.
                io.stderr:write("Error writing to SWUpdate control socket.\n")

local res, msg = ctrl:close()
if not res then
        io.stderr:write(string.format("Error finalizing update: %s\n", msg))

Progress Interface

The swupdate module’s progress interface binding conveniently makes SWUpdate’s socket-based progress API available to pure Lua.

The binding is captured in the swupdate_progress object that is returned by a call to swupdate.progress(). This object offers the three methods connect(), receive(), and close():

The connect() method connects to SWUpdate’s progress socket, waiting until the connection has been established. Note that it is only really required to explicitly call connect() to reestablish a broken connection as the swupdate_progress object’s instantiation already initiates the connection.

The receive() method returns a table representation of the struct progress_msg described in the progress interface’s API description.

The close() method deliberately closes the connection to SWUpdate’s progress socket.

IPv4 Interface

For convenience, the swupdate module provides the ipv4() method returning a table holding the local network interfaces as the table’s keys and their space-separated IP addresses plus subnet masks as respective values.