Updating an embedded system
SWUpdate provides a reliable way to update the software on an embedded system. Sources are hosted at https://github.com/sbabic/swupdate. Do not forget to star SWUpdate.
SWUpdate Documentation
- SWUpdate: software update for embedded system
- Update strategy examples
- SWUpdate: syntax and tags with the default parser
- Introduction
- Handling configuration differences
- Software collections
- Priority finding the elements in the file
- Using links
- hardware-compatibility
- partitions : UBI layout
- images
- Files
- Scripts
- Update Transaction and Status Marker
- reboot flag
- bootloader
- SWUpdate persistent variables
- Board specific settings
- Software collections and operation modes
- Versioning schemas in SWUpdate
- Semantic version
- Checking version of installed software
- Embedded Script
- Attribute reference
- Update images from verified source
- Signing the compound image
- Signing the sub-images
- Combining signing sw-description with hash verification
- Choice of algorithm
- Tool to generate keys / certificates
- Usage with RSA PKCS#1.5 or RSA PSS
- Usage with certificates and CMS
- Usage with GNU PG
- Building a signed SWU image
- Example for sw-description with signed image
- Running SWUpdate with signed images
- Symmetrically Encrypted Update Images
- Handlers
- Overview
- Supplied handlers
- Creating own handlers
- UBI Volume Handler
- Lua Handlers
- Shell script handler
- Lua script handler
- Remote handler
- SWU forwarder
- rdiff handler
- ucfw handler
- SSBL Handler
- Readback Handler
- Copy handler
- Bootloader handler
- Archive handler
- Disk partitioner
- Toggleboot Handler
- gpt partition installer
- gpt partition swap
- Diskformat Handler
- Unique UUID Handler
- BTRFS Partition Handler
- BTRFS Snapshot Handler
- Generic Executor handler
- Delta Update Handler
- Memory issue with zchunk
- Docker handlers
- Docker Load Image
- Docker Remove Image
- Docker Delete Unused Images
- Docker: container create
- Docker Remove Container
- Docker : Start / Stop containers
- Mongoose daemon mode
- Suricatta daemon mode
- Config for hawkBit under SSL/TLS using private CA / sub CA
- SWUpdate: API for external programs
- Getting information on running update
- Language Bindings
- Bootloader Interface
- meta-swupdate: building with Yocto
- SWUpdate Best Practice
- Delta Update with SWUpdate